I occasionally talk at conferences, meetups and mentor contributors on Open Source Software, Kubernetes, Python, Infrastructure, Go. This page lists the talks, workshops, podcasts that I did publicly.

Keeping Social Engineering Attacks Away from OSS Communities
Jun 2024
(at) GitHub Consterllation 2024 🔗
Leading Kubernetes into its Second Decade
Jun 2024
(at) Kubernetes Podcast from Google
Contributing to Kubernetes in Its Second Decade - SIG ContribEx Style!
Mar 2024
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 🔗
Kubernetes Steering Committee: Genesis, Bootstrap, Now & Future
Mar 2024
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 🔗
Kubernetes - The Universal Control Plane
Dec 2023
(at) KubeDay India 2023 🔗
Learnings from Sustainably Steering the Kubernetes Project
Nov 2023
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023 🔗
The Eight Fallacies of Distributed Cloud Native Communities
Nov 2023
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023 🔗
Kubernetes Project Update on ⭐Keynote⭐ stage on behalf of Steering Committee
Nov 2023
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023
Kubernetes Steering Committee Ask Us Anything
Nov 2023
(at) Kubernetes Contributor Summit Chicago 2023 🔗
⭐Keynote⭐ State of Kubernetes and CNCF: A path to a sustainable and secure future
Jun 2023
(at) Kubernetes Community Days Bengaluru 🔗
Wildfires, Firefighters and Sustainability Learnings from Mitigating Kubernetes Fires in the Community
Apr 2023
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 🔗
Kubernetes Project Update on ⭐Keynote⭐ stage on behalf of Steering Committee
Apr 2023
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe
What does the Kubernetes Steering Committee Steer?
Apr 2023
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 🔗
AMA Kubernetes Steering Committee
Apr 2023
(at) Kubernetes Contributor Summit Amsterdam 2023 🔗
⚡Lightning Talk⚡ Kubernetes registry changes
Mar 2023
(at) Bangalore Kubernetes Meetup
Signing Python Packages using sigstore
Dec 2022
(at) PyConf Hyderabad 2022
Kubernetes Release: Song and Dance of People and Processes. What can large OSS projects learn from it?
Nov 2022
(at) Linux Foundation Member Summit 2022 🔗
AMA Kubernetes Steering Committee
Oct 2022
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022 🔗
SIG Contributor Experience Deep Dive
Oct 2022
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022 🔗
Package signing using sigstore
Sep 2022
(at) BangPypers
⭐Keynote⭐ State of Kubernetes in 2022
Jul 2022
(at) Kubernetes Community Days Taiwan
Leadership learnings from Kubernetes releases
Jul 2022
(at) IndiaFOSS 2.0
Prow! Leveraging Developer-Centric CI for Your OSS Project!
May 2022
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 🔗
Hardening the Kubernetes Software Supply Chain Through Better Transparency
Oct 2021
(at) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021
Workshop: Making your Python applications Kubernetes Native
Sep 2021
(at) PyCon India 2021
What it takes to contributes to OSS
Sep 2021
(at) The Fast Tracked Programmer Mentoring Series
Panel: Time for Asia - Community Governance Leadership Matters
Sep 2021
(at) Open Infra Days Asia
Exploring the Kubernetes Clients ecosystem
Sep 2021
(at) Open Infra Days Asia
Understanding Kubernetes API Internals
Sep 2021
(at) Kubernetes Community Days Bengaluru
Kubernetes New Contributor Workshop
Jun 2021
(at) Kubernetes Community Days Bengaluru
First Commit with Nabarun Pal
May 2021
(at) FOSS United
What's new in Kubernetes 1.21
May 2021
(at) Cloud Native Computing Foundation Webinar
Kubernetes 1.21
Apr 2021
(at) Kubernetes Podcast from Google
Live Fireside Chat: Contributing to Kubernetes
Mar 2021
(at) KubeSummit 2021
Workshop: Contributing to Kubernetes 101
Feb 2021
(at) Kubernetes Bangalore Meetup
Python on Kubernetes - A hands-on workshop
Oct 2020
(at) PyCon India
⚡Lightning Talk⚡ Kubernetes Deployment Best Practices
Oct 2020
(at) PyCon India
What's new in Kubernetes 1.19
Jul 2020
(at) CNCF Webinar
The 12 Factor Snake
Sep 2020
(at) PyCon India Flames
Getting Started contributing to Kubernetes
Sep 2020
(at) HasGeek AMA on Kubernetes
Python: A language impacting every sphere of life!
Aug 2020
(at) Times of India #TimesTechies Webinar
The Kubernetes Client Universe
Jan 2020
(at) Bangalore Kubernetes Meetup
Making Lambda simpler for data scientists
Jul 2019
(at) AWS Community Day Bengaluru
Building Microservices with firefly
Apr 2018
(at) FOSSAsia Summit
Building Microservices with firefly
Nov 2017
(at) PyCon India
Building Camera Based Intelligent Applications
Aug 2017
(at) PyData Delhi